Engaged UniBE

UniBE Initiatives and Projects

Making existing engagement visible contributes to the appreciation and motivation of those involved. Visible engagement can also inspire others to become involved. It creates transparency and can increase trust in organizations and initiatives.



Logo von Students4Sustainability, die Zahl 4 des Logos ist als Negativ in einem Fingerabdruck abgebildet

Students4Sustainability is the joint hub for student engagement for sustainable development of the Bern University of Applied Sciences, the University of Bern, the Bern University of Teacher Education and the Bern University of Teacher Education Institute NMS Bern.

Sustainability Day of Bern's 4 Higher Education Institutions

The four universities in Bern - the Bern University of Teacher Education PHBern, the Bern University of Applied Sciences, the PH Institute NMS Bern and the University of Bern - jointly organize the Sustainability Day every two years. In addition to the presentation of various initiatives and workshops on the topic of sustainability, the focus is on exchange and networking with various internal and external university stakeholders.

Sustainability Day



abstraktes Logo des mLAB

The mLAB is an experimental space that encourages researchers and students to experiment with the forms of transdisciplinary collaboration.


Schriftzug because

In addition to basic research and teaching, the BECAUSE research lab collaborates with practice partners on specific issues in order to better understand behavior and promote behavioral change.

Compass UniBE

University preparation for refugee students

Compass UniBE offers refugees with the respective educational background, who are interested in studying at Bern University, the opportunity to prepare themselves linguistically, professionally and organisationally for university studies.

Compass UniBE

Collegium generale

Collegium generale

The Collegium generale promotes the interdisciplinary dialogue and networking within the university through events and seminars for faculty members and students from all fields of study. The activities are also open to the wider public.

Collegium generale

Forum Universität und Gesellschaft

Bild eines Vorlesungssaals an der Uni S der Universität Bern

The Forum Universität und Gesellschaft (en: Forum for University and Society) addresses current topics through interdisciplinary, public events appealing to a broad audience. It offers a platform for exchange between science, politics, business, culture and society.

Forum Universität und Gesellschaft


Verschiedene Icons aus dem wissenschaftlichen Kontext auf rotem Hintergrund

The Seniorenuniversität (en: University of the Third Age) offers an educational program at the University of Bern for interested people aged 60 and above. Membership costs CHF 80 per year. The curriculum offers a broad and exciting range of courses, taught by competent and motivated lecturers from all faculties of the University of Bern.



Kinder stehen vor verschiedenen astrologischen Messinstrumenten

The Kinderuniversität (en: Children's University) aims to provide an unusual and exciting insight into the world of research in an entertaining way and enable direct contact with lecturers at the University of Bern. Participating children are invited to explore a wide range of topics in a low-pressure environment. The events are free of charge.



Scientists from the University of Bern talk about current and societally relevant topics. In the informal setting of an aperitif, they enter into dialog with guests and offer a space for questions and the exchange of ideas and thoughts. The Wissenschaftsapéro is a co-production of the “Engaged University” of Bern and the Begegnungsort.
