RealTransform: Real-World labs as transformation Spaces for sustainable development in universities and society
In the "RealTransform" project, activities to develop real-world labs initially planned for four years will be implemented in a preliminary step in university-internal real-world experiments at the University of Zurich, the University of Bern and the University of Applied Sciences OST. For this purpose, internal and inter-university Communities of Practice (CoP) will be developed and established. During the implementation phase, two workshops and learning spaces will focus on clarifying fundamental conceptual and methodological issues.
The goal is to present a viable definition of real-life experiments within the university and to analyze methodological aspects. The question of how real-world experiments and real-world labs can contribute to a change in university culture - and where their limits lie is at the center of the project's activities.
Leading House: University of Zurich
Project Partners: University of Berne, OST University of Applied Sciences, PH Berne
Supporting partners: Network for Transdisciplinary Research (td-net)
Duration: April 01, 2025 until September 30, 2026
Contact: Dr. Lilian Trechsel (