Engaged UniBE – Transdisciplinary Projects for Sustainable Development

The Vice-Rectorate Quality and Sustainable Development of the University of Bern is launching a call for projects that are in line with the Climate Roadmap 2030. The University is looking for innovative projects that use transdisciplinary methods to promote climate protection and involve social actors in the Bern region in novel and effective ways.

Eligible projects include, among others:

  • Social innovations for sustainability transformations
  •  Research-based implementation projects for greenhouse gas reduction
  • Climate impact projects, climate impact adaptation projects
  • Living labs or real-world experiments
  • Capacity development for young scientists
  • Development and implementation of transdisciplinary teaching formats
  • Innovative formats for dialog with politics and civil society
  • etc.

Projects with a duration of at least one and a maximum of three years are eligible for funding. The maximum funding amount per project and year is CHF 100'000.

Submission deadline for project ideas: April 30, 2025 (binding commitment is subject to implementation of the evaluation panel's recommendations by 15 June)

Deadline for submission of final project proposals: June 15, 2025

To participate, projects must involve both a social and a university stakeholder from the University of Bern.

Let's shape a more sustainable future together!
